Focus – It Matters

OIA is the agent’s agent. We focus and specialize in protecting insurance agencies and nothing else. Protecting agents is our passion, our niche and the center of our insurance universe; it matters.

We have focused on protecting Ohio independent agencies for 123 years through our advocacy efforts and for decades with our E&O services. Your agency’s insurance protection is important, deserves our exclusive focus, and it matters.

We focus on E&O coverage analysis, enhancements in coverage forms, emerging risks, how to protect your agency, trends in claims activity and all things E&O.

We are not an out of state broker that will promise you everything and under-perform. We will not compromise our focus and expertise. We will not overcommit and claim to be more than we are and deliver poor service. We will not minimize the importance of your E&O protections by making it an impersonal transaction.

Protecting your agency is too important for us to be unfocused and distracted, it matters.

We promise you one thing – that your agency’s protection will always be our #1 priority.

We provide E&O insurance and we do it well. We are proud to specialize and focus in these areas.

Focus allows us to be the best in the business at protecting you and your agency.

Your E&O insurance is more than a transaction to us, it is a relationship, it is protecting your livelihood and it is our focus, it matters.

Focus Matters.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your E&O coverage, please reach out to Ashley Riley at (614) 552-3052 or

Remember, no matter what is thrown your way, OIA will always be there to back up and support you in the face of adversity. Our commitment to you is unwavering, unfaltering, and it matters.

Success Starts Here

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