Ohio agents advocate for common-sense solutions on Capitol Hill

Sherrod Brown with OIA staff and member independent agents at 2018 Big I Legislative Conference

Ohio insurance agents are making a difference, one issue at a time!

OIA’s advocacy team, along with a group of Ohio independent agents, visited with lawmakers in Washington, D.C. during the annual Big “I” Legislative Conference last month.

A diverse group of Ohio independent agents were in attendance, from young professionals to experienced leaders in the industry, as well as representatives from small and large agencies.

“It was a huge eye-opener for me to attend this year’s event and see firsthand how OIA and National Big ‘I’ lobby on behalf of independent agents,” shared Kelley Reno Culley, MBA, CPCU, CIC of Reno Insurance Agency in Miamisburg.

“Members of Congress and their staffers were genuinely interested in our legislative agenda and listened to our concerns. It was empowering to participate in the legislative process, and it felt wonderful knowing that my concerns and the concerns of my agency are being heard in Washington,”

One of the top issues discussed was implementation of new tax law provisions that relate to pass-through entities and whether agency owners or shareholders can take full advantage of a 20 percent deduction on OIA's Carolyn Mangas in White House Press Briefing Room“qualified business income.”

Learn more

The event brought together more than 1,000 independent agents from across the country to lobby for issues such as tax reform, crop and flood insurance, state versus federal insurance regulation, health care and cybersecurity.

See a summary of the issues

Interested in attending the 2019 Big “I” Legislative Conference on May 8-10? Contact Carolyn Mangas at (800) 555-1742 or click the button below!

Contact Carolyn

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