On April 27th, Gov. DeWine released the initial phases of Ohio’s plan for re-opening starting on May 1st. As part of this announcement, several safety protocols were announced for specific sectors or types of industries. While essential business such as insurance agencies are already supposed to be following several guidelines, OIA members should begin following the new protocols put forth for General Office Environments. While many of the requirements remain the same, agencies will also need to implement daily symptom assessments and in most cases require employees to wear masks.
Additional details about Ohio’s re-opening plan can be found here. The timeline the governor revealed to date is as follows:
May 1—Many necessary medical procedures can resume. Also, dentists and veterinarians can open.
May 4—Manufacturing, distribution and construction businesses can resume in addition to general office environments opening.
May 12—Consumer, retail and service industry reopens.
A list of continued business closures can be found here.
Questions? Contact carolyn@ohioinsuranceagents.com.