Distracted Driving Bill Pending in State Legislature – What You Should Know and What You Can Do

Last year, traffic deaths rose nearly 10%, with 11,910 distracted driving crashes in Ohio. Many of these crashes are caused by those using a hand-held device behind the wheel. The average smartphone user spends 4.5 hours on the phone daily. Today, the number one worry for Ohioans on the road is distracted driving.  

Currently, Ohio, Nebraska, Missouri, and Montana are the only states without primary enforcement laws for adult drivers using wireless devices for text-based communications or for any purpose. Passage of H.B. 283 will make Ohio the 47th state in America to have primary enforcement for texting and expand that enforcement to include watching, streaming, shopping, posting, gaming, or any other interaction on your phone. If enacted, any driver in Ohio could get pulled over and cited for holding a phone while the car is in motion, unless it is touching their ear. 

Before the Thanksgiving holiday, H.B. 283 passed in the Ohio House by a vote of 77-14 and now awaits consideration by the Ohio Senate. 

Call to Action 

Legislators are against the clock as the end of the year quickly approaches. The passage of this bill is crucial. Drivers need to keep focus on the roadways.  Distracted driving is a growing problem, year after year. It is time our elected officials take action to protect our roads.  

Want to show your support for H.B. 283? Click here to call or email your Ohio Senator and share why this bill is important to you, your family, your clients, and the community so our state can ensure the safety of our roads and those behind the wheel.  

Any questions? Please reach out to Lauren Reid, Government Affairs Manager at lauren@ohioinsuranceagents.com.

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