February is Insurance Careers Month!
To celebrate Insurance Careers Month, we’re looking for OIA members to share the love they have for the industry! We’re calling on agencies to promote IA careers, increase awareness on career opportunities, and drive candidates to explore jobs on the OIA job board.
For the chance to win a pizza party for your office AND receive “INDEPENDENT” t-shirts for up to 20 of your staff, we’re asking agencies to do the following:
- OIA will be running a paid social media campaign to drive interested people to the job board; tap into this hiring opportunity! In 2024 alone, we advertised OIA members’ job opportunities to over 700,000 Ohioans. Post jobs your agency is looking to hire for and include the link to the job board: https://bigijobs.idealtraits.com/state/Ohio
- In order to participate, agencies must post on social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, and/or Instagram) and highlight some of the reasons their staff joined the industry! You can take pictures, post a video, or simply share in a post some of the reasons your talented staff started a career in insurance and the wonderful opportunities they found along the way.
- Tag @ohioinsuranceagents, include the hashtag #InsuranceCareersMonth, and link to the OIA job board.
The deadline to participate is February 28. In early March, OIA staff will be picking one winner based on creativity and how well it conveys a positive message about working in the independent insurance industry. The winning agency will receive a pizza party lunch for their office, including a visit from our team!