Resources Regarding Coronavirus

Our Statement

Our members are at the heart of everything that we do at the Ohio Insurance Agents (OIA)Amid ongoing concerns about the Coronavirus (COVID-19), OIA is closely monitoring the latest reports from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and has taken a number of precautionary measures for the health and safety of our associates, members and colleagues.

Read our Full statement here

OIA’s Remote Work Structure

Seconds after the invention of the personal computer, people predicted someday people wouldn’t have traditional office space but the ability to work from anywhere, even your own home!

Someday, is today! This was the first day the OIA implemented a remote work policy and we wanted to share a few remarks regarding this “new normal.”


Resources for your Licenses and Designations

OIA’s Classes and Events

We know that you depend on us for many things, including your education and professional development needs, and we take this very seriously. During this time, where mass gatherings are either being eliminated or discouraged from attending, the OIA wants to remind you of our online course offerings. Several of these classes offer CE in conjunction with the education to ensure you stay up to date with your professional development requirements.  

That being said, we will be cancelling the next 30 days of in-person events and classes, meaning everything outside of webinar courses being offered between today, March 12, 2020 through April 12, 2020 will be cancelled. Read our full statement here.

In these uncertain times, the one thing that remains unwavering is our commitment to bring you and your agency the best possible experience. 

Take care of yourself and each other,  

Your OIA Family 


Resources Request Form

Do you have questions about COVID-19 or how to operate your business remotely? Contact us today and we'll be in touch with you shortly!

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