Written by Rick Fox, Vice President of Agency Associations, Vertafore
Accelerate, powered by NetVU, is the largest annual gathering of Vertafore solution users—but did you know there are a ton of reasons to attend even if you don’t use Vertafore products? Accelerate is coming to Cincinnati this year, which means there’s no better time for OIA members to take advantage of all the conference has to offer.
Build Your Knowledge
This year, Accelerate features a newly revamped Executive Management track that will help you build a world-class business. The discussions and workshops in this track focus on strategic issues facing all of us in the insurance industry, such as attracting and retaining talent, succession planning, the future of artificial intelligence and machine learning, and more!
Our Tech/IT track will also have essential content on subjects like mobile workforce, data and analytics, and outsourcing IT functions.
The Vertafore product-oriented tracks will also feature sessions and roundtable discussions on a variety of useful topics such as connectivity, emerging markets, and Microsoft Excel.
Be More Productive
Our keynote address this year will be given by Charles Duhigg, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Power of Habit and Smarter Faster Better. Duhigg will be addressing one of our industry's most significant challenges: boosting growth and profitability while creating more efficient workflows. We know you’ll walk away from his presentation with actionable insights for your business.
Meet and Greet
Accelerate isn’t all work and no play! As one of the largest gatherings of insurance professionals in the country, Accelerate is an excellent opportunity to make new connections or renew old ones. Network with people in your industry from across the country, or just from across the state. It’s also a great chance to meet with vendors and third-party service providers that can help you do better business.
Accelerate is about more than Vertafore products – it’s about connecting and moving the industry forward together. Day passes are now available, so don’t miss out on your opportunity to attend, whether it’s for one day or the entire conference.
ready to learn more about vertafore and how they can help your agency?