Change is good

Shattered lightbulb change is good

OIA has been around for a long time.

We’ve had different names and different styles of leadership, but one thing has remained constant — our mission to help independent agents be successful.

Over the years, the ways in which we’ve executed on that mission have changed.

As you can imagine, the world is slightly different than it was when we were founded. Population, economy, technology, life expectancy. . . literally everything has changed.

It only stands to reason that how we help independent agents changes in response.

If you joined us at IACON17, you got a front row seat to see how we are changing and what that means to the success of your agency.

And if you weren’t there, here’s a recap.

Data, Data, Data

Book of business clustering data graph

We are a data-driven organization (buzz word alert!).

What does this actually mean? It means that we know a lot about agents, and we are harnessing and using this data to build tools that help agents.

While there are other organizations in the marketplace that have some data on agents, there is no one else out there that knows you as well as OIA does, understands your unique challenges the way OIA does and has a mission solely dedicated to helping the independent agent channel like OIA does.

Strategic Business Consulting

Traditionally, you’ve known us as the source for service referrals and discounts. We like to call this the “traditional association” model.

Let’s not mince words about how that is more nice-to-have than need-to-have.

We hear you, and we’ve made investments to become the experts you need and the resource to help you through these challenging times.

We are building programs to help you with agency valuation, succession planning, generational health, and operational benchmarking reports, to name just a few.

We are stepping up to be your strategic business partner, a title that we do not take lightly.

We have a talented and passionate team of staff with a vision to be the change agent driving agent change. It’s a phrase that is always top of mind because we walk by it every day (it means so much we wrote it on the wall).

Be the change agent driving agent change writing on wall

We look forward to this journey of leading independent agents into the modern insurance marketplace, a place where the greatest assets of an IA – local, trusted expertise and relationships – is married with cutting-edge technology to continue to thrive now and in the future.

Success Starts Here

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